Which Countries Are Becoming Happier Around the World?

The latest World Happiness Report reveals Nordic countries dominating life satisfaction scores. While some countries have seen declines, 58.96% have improved their scores since 2006. Notably, Eastern European youth show significant optimism. Various factors affect happiness, and different countries may be ideal for different individuals. Despite challenges, global well-being has generally improved in the last 18 years.

10 Bits of Advice I’d Give My 10-Year-Old Self

At age ten, living in Melbourne, I struggled with anxiety and self-doubt due to school and personal challenges. Looking back, I would tell myself: breathe before acting, focus on one thing at a time, challenge negative thoughts, write things down for reflection, enjoy sports without pressure, embrace mistakes, seek knowledge beyond school, value time with family and invest for the future.

25 Ideas That Could Change Your Life

This content encompasses a wide range of life advice, including the virtues of Kaizen, Gandhi’s true quote on change, the importance of being present, designing your life, and embracing fear. It emphasizes discipline, decision-making, and endeavoring for personal growth. The author draws on influential figures and psychological principles to underscore the significance of taking action, being true to oneself, and focusing on meaningful relationships.

The Importance of Seeing Fully Qualified Professionals

Please consider the following scenario: You require open-heart surgery to fix something that could otherwise severely impact your quality of life or kill you prematurely. I’m guessing that you would have a pretty similar hierarchy to most people of who you would try to book for the surgery: The best heart surgeon in the worldTheContinueContinue reading “The Importance of Seeing Fully Qualified Professionals”

20 Fascinating Paradoxes About Life

What is a Paradox? According to the Oxford dictionary, a paradox is a noun that has two meanings: 1. A seemingly absurd or contradictory statement or proposition which when investigated may prove to be well founded or true. 2. A person or thing that combines contradictory features or qualities. I love paradoxes because they areContinueContinue reading “20 Fascinating Paradoxes About Life”

Improving Your Health Begins With Your Nutrition

I am definitely not a nutrition expert. Especially when you look at my behaviours or what I eat and drink daily. I remember several years back when I tried to track my food and drink intake using My Fitness Pal’s phone application. They have a feature where you can share your diary with friends andContinueContinue reading “Improving Your Health Begins With Your Nutrition”

Would You Prefer to Enjoy Your Life Now, or Wait Until You Are Retired?

Recently, my girlfriend has been sharing some videos of people who follow the FIRE principle with me. FIRE is an acronym that stands for Financial Independence, Retire Early. Some people describe FIRE as a financial movement involving frugality and extreme savings and investments. To do this, you work hard, save up to 70% of yourContinueContinue reading “Would You Prefer to Enjoy Your Life Now, or Wait Until You Are Retired?”

33 Thoughts About Turning 33

This will be an unfiltered post. No thinking things through. No edits. Just reflections on life, age, and anything else that pops into my head. Here goes nothing: Turning 33 feels weird. I feel old at times, especially in my body. I still feel like a child at other times, and I wonder whether I willContinueContinue reading “33 Thoughts About Turning 33”

The Top 20 Movies of My Lifetime (10-1)

Looking at the American Film Institute’s 100 Greatest American Films of All Time list that came out in 1998, most films are super old. For example, ‘Citizen Kane’ (1941) ranked at #1, ‘Casablanca’ (1942) ranked at #2, ‘The Godfather’ (1972) ranked at #3, ‘Gone With the Wind’ (1939) ranked at #4 and ‘Lawrence of Arabia’ContinueContinue reading “The Top 20 Movies of My Lifetime (10-1)”

The Top 20 Movies of My Lifetime (20-11)

A list like this will always be subjective, and I don’t expect others to agree with it. However, I still think it is worth highlighting the movies that have significantly impacted my life and why this is the case. If you believe something amazing is missing from the list, please let me know in theContinueContinue reading “The Top 20 Movies of My Lifetime (20-11)”