Is it Better to be Completely Honest, a Strategic Truth-Teller or an Occasional Liar?

Growing up, I struggled with lying to fit in, avoid trouble, and protect my ego. But is radical honesty the solution? Jim Carrey’s “Liar Liar” teaches us that tactful truth is often better. Radical honesty may lead to inappropriate situations. Sam Harris argues for always being honest, while Dan Ariely suggests we all lie, but to a manageable extent.

Why Do Some People Cheat in Relationships and Others Remain Faithful?

The internet, dating websites, and social media have made it easier for people to cheat, but also easier to get caught due to the digital trail left behind. Infidelity can have devastating consequences on individuals, families, and society. Surprisingly high prevalence rates of infidelity and changing attitudes towards it have been observed. Eight main reasons for infidelity have been identified, and strategies such as building companionate love and understanding the real nature of infatuation may help reduce the likelihood of cheating. If infidelity has occurred, both parties taking ownership and seeking help can lead to a healthier relationship in the future.

Parenting is Tough, but Science Suggests Clear Strategies that Help You to Raise Emotionally Healthy Children

The American Psychiatric Association’s three primary parenting goals involve health, productivity preparation, and cultural values transmission. Baumrind’s parenting styles – authoritative, authoritarian, and permissive – significantly impact child development. Authoritative parenting has the most benefits, while other styles can lead to negative outcomes. John Gottman’s “The Relationship Cure” offers five steps to enhance relationships, focusing on emotional communication and shared meaning.

How Can We Effectively Manage Guilt and Shame?

The book “Shame and Guilt” by June Tangney and Ronda Dearing explores shame and guilt as universal human emotions, emphasizing their impact on behavior and relationships. It distinguishes between shame and guilt and provides insights into their psychological implications. The research findings underscore the difference between shame-prone and guilt-prone individuals, highlighting the potential impact on interpersonal relationships. The text also offers practical guidance on managing guilt effectively and advocating for a growth mindset to overcome shame.

How High is Your Physical Intelligence?

Physical intelligence, as discussed by Thalma Lobel in ‘Sensation’, explores how environmental factors impact our perceptions, emotions, and behaviors. By understanding biases and sensory experiences, we can improve physical intelligence. Factors such as temperature, weight, texture, color, cleanliness, posture, and physical space can influence our emotions and interactions.

How to Spend Your Money for Optimal Happiness

When in Queenstown, New Zealand, the exhilarating activities come at a cost. Money can buy happiness to an extent, but studies show it doesn’t equate to long-term joy. Consumerism and overwork plague Western society. To increase happiness, prioritize experiences over material items, spend consciously, and consider giving to others.

How to Be Useful to Others, Get Rich, Like People, and Thrive in an Unknowable Future

Derek Sivers seems like a pretty cool guy. On his website, he calls himself a musician, producer, circus performer, entrepreneur, TED speaker, and book publisher. He started a company called CDBaby and made millions from this. He then gave the company to charity, resulting in millions of dollars subsequently being used to help up-and-coming musicalContinueContinue reading “How to Be Useful to Others, Get Rich, Like People, and Thrive in an Unknowable Future”

20 Fascinating Paradoxes About Life

What is a Paradox? According to the Oxford dictionary, a paradox is a noun that has two meanings: 1. A seemingly absurd or contradictory statement or proposition which when investigated may prove to be well founded or true. 2. A person or thing that combines contradictory features or qualities. I love paradoxes because they areContinueContinue reading “20 Fascinating Paradoxes About Life”

The Four Ultimate Concerns in Life

I’ve been afraid to say this for a while because of how it will be perceived, but my favourite book of all time is actually a textbook. So before you think that makes me someone you would never want to speak to, I’ll ask if you have ever read anything by Irvin Yalom, American PsychiatristContinueContinue reading “The Four Ultimate Concerns in Life”

33 Thoughts About Turning 33

This will be an unfiltered post. No thinking things through. No edits. Just reflections on life, age, and anything else that pops into my head. Here goes nothing: Turning 33 feels weird. I feel old at times, especially in my body. I still feel like a child at other times, and I wonder whether I willContinueContinue reading “33 Thoughts About Turning 33”