Parenting is Tough, but Science Suggests Clear Strategies that Help You to Raise Emotionally Healthy Children

The American Psychiatric Association’s three primary parenting goals involve health, productivity preparation, and cultural values transmission. Baumrind’s parenting styles – authoritative, authoritarian, and permissive – significantly impact child development. Authoritative parenting has the most benefits, while other styles can lead to negative outcomes. John Gottman’s “The Relationship Cure” offers five steps to enhance relationships, focusing on emotional communication and shared meaning.

Positive Psychology – The Secret to Optimal Well-being

Positive Psychology, championed by Martin Seligman, seeks to increase happiness and life satisfaction, rather than just reducing suffering. Seligman’s books like ‘Learned Optimism’ and ‘Authentic Happiness’ focus on changing outlooks and discovering character strengths for emotional well-being. The PERMA model he introduced highlights elements crucial for optimal psychological well-being: Positive emotions, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning, and Achievement.

How Can We Effectively Manage Guilt and Shame?

The book “Shame and Guilt” by June Tangney and Ronda Dearing explores shame and guilt as universal human emotions, emphasizing their impact on behavior and relationships. It distinguishes between shame and guilt and provides insights into their psychological implications. The research findings underscore the difference between shame-prone and guilt-prone individuals, highlighting the potential impact on interpersonal relationships. The text also offers practical guidance on managing guilt effectively and advocating for a growth mindset to overcome shame.

What Makes Some Things Fade Fast, and Others Stand the Test of Time?

The author reflects on the success trajectory of their blog posts and explores why certain movies, books, songs, and YouTube videos endure over time while others do not. They draw parallels between successful ideas and the SUCCES elements: Simple, Unexpected, Concrete, Credible, Emotional, and Story. These elements contribute to an idea’s memorability and its potential for widespread sharing.

How to Spend Your Money for Optimal Happiness

When in Queenstown, New Zealand, the exhilarating activities come at a cost. Money can buy happiness to an extent, but studies show it doesn’t equate to long-term joy. Consumerism and overwork plague Western society. To increase happiness, prioritize experiences over material items, spend consciously, and consider giving to others.

The Importance of Sleep for Good Mental Health

Sleep difficulties are a feature of nearly every mental health difficulty, including depression, anxiety, trauma, substance use issues, bipolar disorder and psychosis or schizophrenia. Take Depression for example. Up to 90% of individuals with Depression have sleep difficulties, and two out of every three have significant enough sleep problems to also have a diagnosis ofContinueContinue reading “The Importance of Sleep for Good Mental Health”

The Four Ultimate Concerns in Life

I’ve been afraid to say this for a while because of how it will be perceived, but my favourite book of all time is actually a textbook. So before you think that makes me someone you would never want to speak to, I’ll ask if you have ever read anything by Irvin Yalom, American PsychiatristContinueContinue reading “The Four Ultimate Concerns in Life”

It’s Okay to Still Fall into Life Traps… We All Do!

Life traps are self-defeating ways of perceiving, feeling about, interacting with oneself, others, and the world. If you want to get a sense of what your life-traps may be, the book ‘Reinventing your life’ by Jeffrey Young is an excellent place to start, as it goes into 11 different ones. If you want a moreContinueContinue reading “It’s Okay to Still Fall into Life Traps… We All Do!”

Are You Asking the Right Questions In Your Search For a Therapist?

If you were searching the web as a consumer, looking for the best Psychologist, would you know what to search for? If you said that you would look for someone experienced, it is a good guess, but years of experience don’t seem to make too much of a difference in improving therapeutic outcomes (Minami etContinueContinue reading “Are You Asking the Right Questions In Your Search For a Therapist?”